Saturday, April 21, 2007

the SL pics..

these r pics taken on the day we went to the landfill..

this is taken during the bus ride to SL.

dun noe wad he doin..

me n zhi xian on the boat ride to SL.

sara the cute one..

me n dorcas.

the view at SL. so nice!!!

taken in the bus in SL.

the class photo taken at SL.

we were all having fun!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

examz coming..

examz coming.. start on 9th may.. n eng paper is on 4th may.. which is my sis birthday.. haiz.. wonder wad to buy for her.. nvm abt tt first.. study first.. but nowadays veri tired.. cannot even open my eyes during lessons.. dunno wad is wrong with me.. haiz.. i have to try to slp early if i can..

let's talk abt the learning journey den.. since i hardly blog in a month.. hahax.. my class 4e2 n 4e4.. went to pulau semakau yesterday.. it was really a fun ride for the first round tt bring us to the semakau landfill.. all of us were taking pics with one another n taking pics of the sceneries.. veri veri nice.. the guy tt bring us there say tt we will see pink dolphin if we were lucky.. n many of our class start rushing to the windows.. some of them didnt even move abit once they board the boat.. cos they seasick.. poor thing.. after we reach the destination.. we board a bus n we tour around the landfill..

the landfill was really veri nice.. so beautiful.. n the air n water there r so clean.. hahax.. i so like tt place.. hope can go there again.. after tt.. is time for us to go back.. during this second trip back to the mainland.. many of us were so tired.. n the guy tt were always with us.. told us some stories on the way back.. quite interesting.. n after tt we took the bus back to sch n i walk back home MYSELF.. dorcas got her father to fetch her.. so no choice have to go back MYSELF.. hahax.. nvm..

haiz.. i now veri tired le.. gtg.. slp is the best thing to do at nite.. hahax.. good nite!!

miss u guys so terribly.. coming to s'pore alr?

Sunday, April 8, 2007


hahax.. so late le.. i now listening to zhou gong jiang gui.. hahax.. cannot slp.. cos i keep on thinking something..

我在想, 我一直再问自己, 我是想要做一个被人保护的公主, 还是做一个保护人的王子? i dunno.. i dunno how to decide.. 因为.. 我不喜欢别人保护我.. becos 我会觉得很内疚.. but.. 我喜欢被保护的感觉.. becos i feel veri safe n comfortable..

so.. princess or prince? maybe prince bah.. but i dun think i can do it.. cos i m always hurting ppl.. 那天靠着你的背.. 我觉得好温暖, 好安全.. but i noe.. there wont be next time.. but i m contented alr.. thanks..

if is u.. my readers.. who would u wan to be? prince or princess?

wad shape can u all see from the candles formation? pls tell me if u can see a shape.. hahax..

Friday, April 6, 2007


veri veri long nv blog le.. really dunno wad to blog abt.. got back my result.. got lots of Cs.. haiz.. dun have Bs.. i really dun like it..

this week is like normal routine.. go sch, have lessons, go tuitorial, go home study, do hmwk, den prepare for the next day.. nothing new.. but the next friday got sports day.. haiz.. but after nxt week den it will be normal again.. sianz.. y everyday the same thing?

got lots of tests.. especially physics n social studies.. haiz.. but i juz cannot study.. so no mood to study.. haiz..

dun blog le lah.. so sianz.. i go watch my youtube.. den go do hmwk..