Saturday, May 19, 2007

i met a fan of fahrenheit who is so far from me..

i met Aileen online yesterday. we talk quite long, but her mother came back home n she cant play com anymore. introduce to u, Aileen. she is a fan of 飞轮海. i met her during the 飞轮海爱到签唱会. both us were squeeze to the veri back, we cannot even see 飞轮海. but nvm, this gave me chance to meet her. i'm so happy to meet new friend during the 签唱会. although it was veri long ago, but she rmb me n i rmb her. lucky we got exchange email address. hahax.. really looking forward to 飞轮海 next 签唱会, n looking forward to see her again. we were really having lots of fun..

Is goin to be June holidays. there will be alot of tutorials coming up becos of the shortage of time to go through the syllabus.. n o lvl is brought forward, we have lesser time to revise.. all the teachers r rushing.. n i'm sooooo goin to break down. they r so fast. forget it. i dun wan to drag the whole class down. maybe i can ask the pros to help me.

dun mind abt the tutorials first. now is the results tt is really coming up.. i can confirm tt this mid year for me is a gone case. becos i didnt study at all. i m so dead. nvm.. examz is over. think oso no use. cannot change the result oso.

now i have to do all my math papers. all the hmwk. n pack all the files. monday have hand up everything. but so not in the mood to do.. but still have to do. sianz..

say until here. i wan to go play game. den go do hmwk. but most likely i wont do. hahax..

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


YES!!! FINALLY!!! blogger is ok.. i so damn lots of things to blog.. but forget it.. i got of things forget le.. but den i noe many things happen during all these time when i didnt blog..
on the 4th of May.. i celebrated my sis's birthday.. we got BIG BIG Tiramisu cake.. not really tt big actually.. 1kg only.. but $30!!! forget it.. but the cake look veri nice.. taste veri nice oso.. hahax..

exams start le.. n ending soon.. hmm.. cannot make it for this time mid year.. so i oso forget it.. today went to sch.. waited for 3hrs in the canteen.. sianz.. today veri 奇迹.. i study damn hard for my history can!!!

den after the history paper.. i went home change, den i went out to loyang point mac to study physics with Zhi Xian, Yu Shan n Jessica.. we were not studying actually.. more of chit chatting.. hahax..

ok lah.. stop here le.. lazy to type so much.. hope the blogger dun spoil again.. if not i'm goin to cry.. but i dun blog tt much anyway.. so oso nvm.. hahax..

the Tiramisu cake!!! YUMMY!!!

my n my sis n the cake!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

i'm always a 飞轮海 fans, no matter wad..

现在每一个人都在讲吴尊,非常的不公平,因为 for him.. he is also human wad.. he also have his own dream.. maybe his dream is to 拍电影, so he went to 香港.. he is veri 红 now.. more 红 den 大东 n the other band members.. but so.. their 感情 so good.. they oso didnt say they goin to 解散 wad.. the mag n newspapers keep on saying 吴尊 goin to 单飞.. rubbish!!! i hate ppl to anyhow say.. n some of the fans of 飞轮海.. i noe they support 大东 the more den the other band members.. for me oso.. but oso cannot like tt say.. if we r 飞轮海 fans.. we muz like them as a whole.. no matter wad happen.. we muz support them as a whole.. so for me i think tt.. no matter wad the mag say, wad the reporter write, or wad other ppl spread.. i will not believe.. unless is 飞轮海 they say it by themselves.. i will still support them till the end..

no offence.. this is juz plainly my opinion..

see.. they look so sweet when they r together..