Sunday, July 8, 2007

not feeling well.

haiz.. these few days i was having heartache in sch. tt kind of feeling is like someone is using a needle pricking u. is a veri terrible feeling n i cant breath. somehow it feels like there is no air around u. terrible. horrible. worse than vegetable. not only in sch. at home oso like tt. wad is wrong with me?!

tmr i have SS test. n dunno when there will be a math test. i oso dunno whether i will have a physics re re test. n ms yang juz said tt there will be a english common test coming. so many tests, so much stress. really dunno wad to do.

got lots of hmwk oso. poa, math corrections, physics tys, chem tys, n lots of revision. more nagging oso, but this is fine. hahax.. =D

ok, gtg do more work. tmr still have to hand it up. if cant hand it up, i really dunno wad will happen to me or to the teacher. hahax.. =D ciao!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

O lvl chinese oral

today i had my Chinese oral. it was very terrible. i went into the room for less than 5min n I'm out. these is so so terrible. but wad to do? is alr over. when in the holding room, kailing, shu mei, Celeste, jing yuan n me were chatting away, trying not to get too nervous. but one by one, each of them leave for the oral. when only left me n jing yuan, no matter how much we chat to distract ourselves, we still very scared. we even play game. we played 黑白配, scissor paper stone. n we still play guessing game n lots more. haiz.. but in the end i still cannot make it.

forget it.. dun talk abt it. so dead.

cute mah? the piggy is mine.