Thursday, May 29, 2008

hope u r happy..

16 more days to ur birthday...
i miss u veri much..
it has been 6 years since primary 5..
i have nv forgotten u..
i oso dun expect u to rmb me..

i juz wish tt u could be happy everyday..
and be with the one u love..
every year, when ur birthday is near, i will start folding straw hearts..
for u.. actually i wanted to give them to u..
but i dunno how, n even i noe where u r, i wont dun dare to..

stay happy n healthy, ok?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


HEY HEY!!! veri long nv blog le.. becos of several reasons..

First, I dun have the time to blog.
Second, my sister is using the internet.
Third, which is the last one and most important reason..
I GOT NTH TO BLOG ABOUT!!! hahax.. ^^

ok, fine.. i noe i'm veri lame..

actually during this "non-blogging" time.. i got lots of work to do.. and i m trying to get use to the environment in Singapore Poly.. now i m pretty ok there.. juz need a few weeks more i guess..

all the assignments, presentations and reports r also stressing me out.. although is not a lot.. but i really cannot present, or somehow express my thinking in words in front of someone who i m not really familiar with.. so i feel pretty stress in the presentation area. PLUS my english is not really good.. so the CRS presentation is the worst nightmare!!! but after chatting with 雯, i feel better, but wanting me to present, is really a veri veri difficult task for me..

BUT BECOS 雯&ALL THE JMs I WILL TRY ALL I CAN TO OVERCOME THIS DIFFICULTY, becos i really dun wan to disappoint them.. they always give me so much support, i cannot give them rubbish results right?

today went out with sarah!!! cos she wanted to cut hair n take photo.. so she ask me along.. when she was cutting hair, we were talking a lot.. and she keep on moving.. making the person veri difficult to cut her hair.. hahax.. den after tt we went to the food court to eat.. i ate japanese food, and sarah ate korean food.. it is super nice.. after tt we took some photos n i went home.. sarah stay behind cos she still got piano lessons.. i will be posting up all the photos later.. it was really fun today!! hahax..

hope next time free den go out again!!! yeah!! AND SARAH, RMB TO TAKE CARE ARH...!!!

this are the photos we took!!!