Saturday, February 24, 2007


Oh Man!!! i juz found this video.. i cant believe i'm so lucky!!

go to this link to watch the video..

rachel, u muz watch!! although cannot see him lah..

Thursday, February 22, 2007

veri pai sei, veri tired, veri confused

Today is Thinking Day.. I march in the morning.. pulling the national flag.. the rope is not properly tied and the timing is wrong.. i also march wrongly.. veri pai sei.. this thing is over, so forget it..

Tired.. today is like so rush.. no time to rest.. almost cried in school.. bag damn heavy.. lucky today don't have NAFA.. if not I goin to commit suicide already.. don't know why.. suddenly felt so tired.. like can sleep for years.. or even forever don't wake up.. really very tired.. now already feel like sleeping.. common test coming somemore.. saturday still cannot stay at home study.. need to go indoor stadium for guides stuff.. really very tired..

Ten Year Series.. today in physics class, mr heng go through TYS.. a very boring topic.. "waves".. after that.. he mention about dropping to combined sciences topic again.. he say," Those who confirm, die die, wan a 'A' for science, a good way is to drop to combined sciences." but den.. i dun wan to drop.. n i wanted a 'A' for both my pure physics n pure chemistry.. if not, is impossible for me to reach my goal: L1R5: single digit.. n science is so important to me.. i cannot live without sci.. this will kill me.. haiz.. but if i drop to combined sci.. my sis will slaughter me.. n with a combined sci.. is so difficult for me to get at least a good grade for L1R5.. haiz.. i see i lot of ppl drop pure sci.. my heart ache when they decide to drop n they hand up the parent letter to mr nasir.. of cos.. if is good for them.. den i got nth more to say.. but if the decision is bad for the person.. den this will destroy the person's future.. haiz.. so confused.. forget it.. dun thing to much is the best solution.. juz go with wad the sch give.. everything will ok de..

cannot tahan le.. muz got n sleep liao.. if not.. later slp on the computer table.. next morning wake up sure neck pain.. so "oyasumi! je'na!" (meanings: "good night! bye!")

Monday, February 19, 2007

chinese new year veri tiring.. n not fun..

hey hey!! this morning went to yun fang house 拜年.. got 1 红包.. but juz only go for a while den come back le.. not quite fun.. until now i still haven finish math hmwk.. haiz.. sian..

ytd stay at home the whole day.. waiting for relative to come.. den they come le.. give 红包.. den gamble abit.. den go home le..

ytd got lots of TV programme to watch.. today leh.. only got the 林俊杰 concert thing.. n later goin to watch 花样少年少女..

haiz.. from 除夕 till today.. i only got a few 红包.. the amount add together.. not even $1000.. suay arh.. all the fahrenheit things 泡汤了.. AHHH!!!

later still have to do hmwk.. wad kind of new year is this.. dun even look or feel like a holiday.. more like weekend.. haiz..

hmm.. wonder how he is doin now? goin around s'pore to visit his relatives? he muz have a lot of 红包.. hahax.. so feel like seeing him.. 5 years le.. i wonder how he look like now.. change a lot mah? but anyway.. happy belated valentines day n happy chinese new year.. =)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

hope i didnt waste the $$..

haiz.. rachel.. dun scare me like tt.. i got heart attack leh.. if really is like tt.. den i really goin to faint le.. now have to wait until next friday den can noe.. haiz.. stupid elmi.. give so much hmwk.. new year still wan to torture me.. torture the whole class.. 变态!! common test is coming.. i not studying.. goin fail.. sian diao.. monday goin yun fang house 拜年.. goin to get 红包.. ytd until now.. receive a few 红包 liao.. total amount quite alot.. hahax.. sianz.. later still have to pack the room.. waste my energy.. waste my time.. ah!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

stupid o'lvl thing...

haiz.. today sian diao.. all the teachers talking abt o' lvl dun wad lah.. XUE TE!!! everytime o' lvl, o' lvl.. say until i so not scared.. haiz.. forget it.. today valentines.. but one present oso dun have.. poor me.. kidding.. celeste got such a big present today n she dun wan it.. wasted.. n oso today's SPA cannot make it.. have a weird graph.. sad case.. brought home calista tigger.. so pink.. hahax.. so cute.. hope i have one.. looking toward to my birthday... cos calista promise me she will buy a soft toy for me!! so excited.. tmr got training for guides.. haiz.. SIAN DIAO!!!

hahax.. this is the picture of calista tigger.. pink rite?! so CUTE!!! too bad i only can have for 2 days.. haiz..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


='( today cry alot man... all becos of the 花样少年少女.. make me cry so much... almost dehydrate.. now drink alot of water still veri thirsty.. n the stupid tears keep rolling down my face... haiz... see 秀伊 like tt i really 心痛.. aiya.. dun noe wad to say.. now only noe wad is 心痛.. n cry.. hope the next few episodes dun make me cry so much.. if not really die of dehydration..

Sunday, February 11, 2007

tired, tired, tired...

juz now 8 plus slp until 11 plus.. now cannot slp.. so blog lor.. is good to hear tt pris n nora prob solved.. think so.. nowadays got so much things to do.. friday juz saw the seniors taking their o'lvl results... lots of the pupils from the 4e3 n 4e4 cry.. OMG!!! first time see this kind of scene.. scary!! next yr is goin to be my turn.. hope i get good result.. ave to start studying n stop slacking alr.. muz 加油 alr.. all my frenz 加油!!! i support u all.. all the way!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

frenz = help or trouble??? who noes?

haiz.. few days nv update up.. damn busy can.. test n test.. hmwk n hmwk.. cca n cca.. more n more things coming up.. alr a lot things to settle liao lor.. pris n nora still come n fan me.. enough lah!!! one say i not helping when i try to.. one give attitude.. AH!!!! now dun even noe wan to help or not... ah... forget it lah.. dun help le... their things they settle themselves.. if not later say i busybody.. jeannie is another one.. elesia oso.. haiz.. take them as frenz.. they take me as a troublesolver.. as if i can solve everything in the world.. i superwomen is it? i m not goin to care le.. none of my business.. dun come find me.. now is concentrate on my studies first... the rest i dun care le...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

veri veri veri disappointed... VERI VERI VERI ANGRY!!!

wah!!! sianz... didnt get to buy the MAGAZINE!!! goin to cry le lah... grrrr... today damn bad mood can... damn sui can.. goin crazy le lah!!!! HATE IT!!! HATE IT!!! HATE IT!!! forget it... dun talk abt it... i noe i m innocent.. i noe i didnt do anything... i not goin to care whoever say wadever thing... I MUZ LEARN TO RELAX!!! tmr spa... better go study.. hope tmr will be better... n my spa will be ok...

Monday, February 5, 2007

so XIN KU!!!

wow!!! in 1 day clear 3 tests.. goin to die liao.. now finish poa, physics n math tests.. still got lots lots more.. haiz.. brain juice goin to finish liao.. damn tired..

Thinking Day coming le.. goin to march n march n march.. haiz.. pull flag somemore.. can go die le.. hai!!! FORGET IT!!! dun wan think so much le.. so damn xin ku.. tmr muz enjoy!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

First, New Blog

New blog!!! New blog!!! this is my first blog.. thanks to my sis.. she help me in this for hours.. n now she is half dead.. hahax.. nth much to write.. stop here..