Thursday, February 22, 2007

veri pai sei, veri tired, veri confused

Today is Thinking Day.. I march in the morning.. pulling the national flag.. the rope is not properly tied and the timing is wrong.. i also march wrongly.. veri pai sei.. this thing is over, so forget it..

Tired.. today is like so rush.. no time to rest.. almost cried in school.. bag damn heavy.. lucky today don't have NAFA.. if not I goin to commit suicide already.. don't know why.. suddenly felt so tired.. like can sleep for years.. or even forever don't wake up.. really very tired.. now already feel like sleeping.. common test coming somemore.. saturday still cannot stay at home study.. need to go indoor stadium for guides stuff.. really very tired..

Ten Year Series.. today in physics class, mr heng go through TYS.. a very boring topic.. "waves".. after that.. he mention about dropping to combined sciences topic again.. he say," Those who confirm, die die, wan a 'A' for science, a good way is to drop to combined sciences." but den.. i dun wan to drop.. n i wanted a 'A' for both my pure physics n pure chemistry.. if not, is impossible for me to reach my goal: L1R5: single digit.. n science is so important to me.. i cannot live without sci.. this will kill me.. haiz.. but if i drop to combined sci.. my sis will slaughter me.. n with a combined sci.. is so difficult for me to get at least a good grade for L1R5.. haiz.. i see i lot of ppl drop pure sci.. my heart ache when they decide to drop n they hand up the parent letter to mr nasir.. of cos.. if is good for them.. den i got nth more to say.. but if the decision is bad for the person.. den this will destroy the person's future.. haiz.. so confused.. forget it.. dun thing to much is the best solution.. juz go with wad the sch give.. everything will ok de..

cannot tahan le.. muz got n sleep liao.. if not.. later slp on the computer table.. next morning wake up sure neck pain.. so "oyasumi! je'na!" (meanings: "good night! bye!")

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