Sunday, March 25, 2007

sian day..

today woke up quite early.. wash up.. eat breakfast.. n went back to the bedroom n wait for my sis to wake up.. 如果她没有起床我不可以玩电脑.. so do hmwk while waiting.. in the morning finish half way n chinese n half way my history.. cos dunno wad to write..

den my sis wake up le.. n i start playing com.. after she came back to the bedroom.. she start nagging me.. " 做你的功课啦!! 等一下做不完又怕被骂!!" haiz.. sianz.. everytime like tt.. i noe is all 为了我好.. hahax.. but at least i got finish half of every hmwk.. hahax..

oh!!! n i make a mistake.. the physics test is next monday.. not tmr.. hahax.. scare me.. if not i goin to fail again le.. but tmr got oral exam.. really veri scared.. dunno wad to do.. if fail den i 完蛋 liao.. forget it.. i dun wan to think so much le.. enjoy myself first..

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