Wednesday, June 27, 2007

more or less.

o lvl coming. more work. more practice. more scolding. more nagging. more tutorials. more pressure. more tests n mock exam. more tiring. more complains. more experiment. n more..


lesser time.

haiz.. sianz. tmr got physics test. math tutorial. 4hrs of physics lesson. POA. oral starts.
wad to do? test haven study. math hmwk haven do. physics hmwk haven touch. POA dun understand. oral haven practice (mine is next week). i'm so dead.

i cant slp. i cannot concentrate. i cant do work. i cant smile.
i wan to slp. i wan to concentrate. i wan to do work. i wan to be happy.

i m dead.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


the chinese class chalet end yesterday. it was so fun. although not many of them went to the chalet, but i think is still ok. hahax.. wad to say? too many things happening in the chalet. dunno wad to say.. hahax.. nvm.. happy 就好. hahax..

for now, have to start finishing all my hmwk. if cannot finish, den i m dead. many many things to do. tmr still have step down ceremony in sch. 8 have to go sch le. but den 11.30 den start. haiz.. so 麻烦. still have to wear full u somemore. irritating. frustrating. so pai seh.. haiz. forget it. the last time to wear alr. 算了.

thank you. u pei me the whole day yesterday. thanks a lot. i m veri happy.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

your birthday..




Sunday, June 10, 2007


holiday lessons end le. there r lots of hmwk to do. haven start on any yet. today went to watch movie. veri funny. hahax.. den after tt walk around the mall. then went to whitesands to return story book. but i also borrowed a book call 小王子. i haven read yet. hope is nice. =D

haiz.. sianz.. nothing to do.. now veri tired. wan to play PS.. but cannot.. haiz.. trying to think of something to blog.. haiz.. nvm lah.. dun write le.. veri sianz. nth to write about also. BYE BYE!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


today is a long long tired day.. SPA 3 for physics. bye bye le. haiz.. after SPA 3 got the stupid stupid physics tutorial. after the tutorial, play da di with mr heng. den i pour water on him. but i oso got poured by him so not fun. sianz.. stilll have to hmwk later..

these few weeks, cannot focus in class. not listening to teacher. but i try to. n i did it. i cannot believe i did it juz becos of him. i promise him we will jia you together de. so everytime i feel like slping, i remind myself tt i promise him i wont let him see any Cs in my results.. n maybe tt somehow give me energy. hahax.. lame..

got back my report book today.. terrible results.. haiz.. fail 2.. dun talk abt it le.. later results will be out below.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


I 'love' the June 'holidays'. They just 'rocks'. =D

This is my EVERYDAY schedule:
1. Reach school by 7.30AM.
2. Have the morning assembly.
3. Take attendance.
4. Go back to class for 2hr lessons.
5. After lessons, 1/2hr recess.
6. Take Attendance.
7. After recess, another 2hr lessons.
8. 12.30PM end school.
9. Have lunch.
10. Back to school by 1.25PM for lessons until 5PM.

Why this year O' levels? Really hate it! Just finish some work, and I don't feel like doing anymore. Maybe I'll do it later.

Now so sian. What to do? Haiz.

Guess which is ME?!