Wednesday, June 6, 2007


today is a long long tired day.. SPA 3 for physics. bye bye le. haiz.. after SPA 3 got the stupid stupid physics tutorial. after the tutorial, play da di with mr heng. den i pour water on him. but i oso got poured by him so not fun. sianz.. stilll have to hmwk later..

these few weeks, cannot focus in class. not listening to teacher. but i try to. n i did it. i cannot believe i did it juz becos of him. i promise him we will jia you together de. so everytime i feel like slping, i remind myself tt i promise him i wont let him see any Cs in my results.. n maybe tt somehow give me energy. hahax.. lame..

got back my report book today.. terrible results.. haiz.. fail 2.. dun talk abt it le.. later results will be out below.

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