Friday, March 14, 2008

check-up done!!!

YEAH!! today finish my medical check up le!! went with sarah.. we had our check-up done at the same time same place.. hahax..

haiz.. gain 3kg.. n shrink by 2cm.. super sad now.. but nvm.. i still post it on my profile le like wad i promise.. i dun mind abt my weight.. but my height.. haiz.. I WAN TO GROW TALLER!!!

if anybody noe how to make a 16years old girl to grow taler, pls tell me through the tag board.. thank you!

continue today's journey.. after the check up.. we went to the mall near by.. we eat long john, play arcade, n watch ppl ice-skate.. hahax.. it was really veri cold there.. those little girls skate until veri pro!!cos they got a personal coach.. hahax.. but they r really veri young.. i think they primary 3-4 only.. SUPER PRO!! hahax.. i oso got learn abit last time.. I GOT CERT DE HOR!! but now everything forget le.. hahax..

den after tt we took mrt home. sarah alighted at bugis.. n i take all the way to simei.. cos i feel veri bored.. so suddenly wan to see the puppies, kittens, hamters n rabbits.. took some pics of the puppies.. later will put it up..

b4 i went home.. i ran through all the books in the whitesands library.. juz to find the book name.. "The Perfect Girl".. if anybody had read this book b4, pls tell me more abt the book.. thank you!

ok nth more to write.. will see whether to continue tmr..

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