Saturday, April 5, 2008

CLS games day 4/4/2008

hey hey!! now is 12.17am.. 5/4/2008.. so wad i m goin to say is wad i do on the 4/4/2008..

today.. went to the CLS Games Day.. i reach there around 8.30am+.. so is consider quite early.. cos it start at 9am.. den after tt some of the early comers n i form a group.. n we all were lead by a GL(group leader.. but we r not in groups yet...), his name is Chin How.. n his lao po, Cherrie.. also i noe tt one of the GLs is call "Kimchi" hahax.. i noe is bad to laugh at other ppl names.. fine..

after playing some small games.. is time for the forfeiters to perform.. we got a banana dance, watermelon dance, n a papaya dance.. super duper funny.. plus another GLs dance n pole-dancing.. hahax..

after all the dancing.. we were den being separated into groups.. n my Papa n Mama(my group leaders) is Chin How&Cherrie(this is juz so.. hahax..) we play the same games tt was played earlier.. hahax.. but it was still veri fun.. den we create our group name which is, "Cannon".. abit weird but nice to say.. hahax.. den we create our own cheers.. u will be thinking like.. so sians.. like all the camps n day camps do de.. but this time is different.. we have to use our own cheers to win our own lunch, get our stations tasks, n most important of all.. to get "THE BALLS"!!!

u will be thinking like wad the hell is it.. now i tell u starting from the stations..

the first station:
we have to use 2buckets(1 with cracks at the bottom so tt u cannot store any water inside, the other one is perfect..) to catch water bombs that were thrown by some of the groups members.. while playing this game, the GMs(Game Master) n the seniors will use water guns to shoot us.. making us wet.. after tt we finish this task,, we have to do another thing which is the caterpillar.. i dun like it at all.. cos the guy behind me in super heavy.. haha..

the second station:
we first came to a veri muddy part of the field.. den wad we do there is tt we have to slide on a piece of big big plastic sheet which is covered by soap(detergent) n mud.. den after tt we have to roll back to the starting point(means rolling in the mud).. in the end.. after all the rolling n the massaging of all the guys stomach using mud.. i realised tt we r not allow to bath le den continue.. we only can wash our hands, legs n face.. we cannot wash the clothes.. or juz even rinse them.. so can u imagine u have to walk around in clothes tt have all the muddy soap water dripping down ur leg.. eeewwwwwwwwww...

the third station:
here.. we play some stupid games.. but fun.. we r suppose to be blindfolded den after tt we have to find our partners.. by differentiating the voice usng 2 words.. guys will say"ice" girls will say "cube" den in btw.. the GMs will try to distract us by using paints to draw us.. this station makes me so colourful!!! -_-"
n in this round.. the guys is the most poor thing one.. they were force to perform a "gays 12P".. so poor thing.. haiz.. but so funny!!! fine..

the fourth station:
this one is abit messy so i wont be saying much.. but the worst thing we did here is the "using ur tongue to pass a rubber band around.." is so gross..

the fifth station:
in this station we were ask to find objects tt is in the garden.. but the most memorable thing is tt we have to use our teeth to pass a small bit crumb of biscuit.. this is veri obvious.. the kissing part is here.. is so gross.. nvm abt this..

the treasure hunt:
we have to find our groups de "BALLS".. we r not allow to take other groups balls.. there are oso be many "devils" walking around to catch ur group to n may confiscate some of ur balls.. n there are also "angels" walking around to give to balls.. in the end.. my group won!!! hahax.. super fun!! we got the most balls.. but the process of getting so much balls is not so easy.. let me tell u wad we did to be a winner:
  1. a sexy chicken dance

  2. banana dance

  3. girls smacking guys butt

  4. guys have to seduce the devil boy, girls have to seduce the devil girl

  5. have legs tied together

  6. many many cheers..

  7. without knowing tt we had lost 2 group members whose legs got tied together

  8. running around

  9. lying on the basketball court with many ppl looking

  10. swim in the basketball court

  11. do the cheers while u r lying down

  12. lots of pole-dancing

  13. hiding like a wanted prisoner

this is all the things we have to do.. to be the winner.. not easy eh? hahax..

anyway.. my GL Chin How look so like kun sheng, n one of my group members,yong jian look like a skinny version of jing de with specs.. n i saw a senior tt look exactly like mr heng without specs.. hahax.. funny rite?

ok.. the end.. oh! i brought back some souvenirs back while rolling in the mud!!

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