Tuesday, July 28, 2009







Sunday, July 26, 2009

my birthday is over...

i'm 18...

and everything should be over...

anyway... thanks to everybody who wished me happy birthday~!

Thursday, July 23, 2009




Tuesday, July 21, 2009

happy birthday to me~!

hey hey~!
ytd ppl celebrate joni and my birthday~!
they still specially bought an ice cream cake which look $40~ to me... haha! thanks guys~!
plus they gave me a mochi!!!!!! as in the rabbit... hehe ^.^ love it!
ytd morning during practical, they gave me a big big surprise. didnt know they really will buy the mochi...
joni was happy to get the beads too~!
anyway the ice cream cake was delicious~! haha! but it was too much for the me and joni... eat until wan to vomit... heh..
anyway, i love it~! the present, the cake, the surprise, and everybody~! hehe ^^!

but den, reports and datasheets is still there... waiting for me...
they r alr singing, "i'm waiting for you, i'm waiting for you~~~"
haiz.. i do until i wan to go crazy alr..
i m alr crazy, so nvm... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i dun understand wad is wrong with me anymore..

i'm goin crazy....
Just now injured my hand just becos of some stupid reasons...

AHHHHH~~~~!!!!!! I hate myself...

CRAP! wadeva...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

this morning i almost did that, however i manage to control and keep it away..

today no practical, dun have to see the bitchy witch..
den went to watch ICE AGE 3!!!!!
so damn funny... but then i cannot really rmb wad happen in the show. becos the sotry is like too many things happening alr... plus my brain was alr half dead when i reach plaza sing..
have report to write this week.. sianz.. haiz.. and assignments and examz r all coming up alr..
sure cannot take it someday.. tmr still have ITP briefing.. haiz... is the time to go out to the society to work with other ppl alr... veri scared.. but wan to earn money... in nid of money to pay my sch fees... sianz.. mother losing job, sister still new in her job... i dun have a job.. wan to find a part time job but i dun dare to.. feel like killing myself ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

COSFEST VIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey yo! check it out~! cosfest man!!!!

Cosplay fest draws thousands of fans
Cosplay fest draws thousands of fans