Tuesday, July 21, 2009

happy birthday to me~!

hey hey~!
ytd ppl celebrate joni and my birthday~!
they still specially bought an ice cream cake which look $40~ to me... haha! thanks guys~!
plus they gave me a mochi!!!!!! as in the rabbit... hehe ^.^ love it!
ytd morning during practical, they gave me a big big surprise. didnt know they really will buy the mochi...
joni was happy to get the beads too~!
anyway the ice cream cake was delicious~! haha! but it was too much for the me and joni... eat until wan to vomit... heh..
anyway, i love it~! the present, the cake, the surprise, and everybody~! hehe ^^!

but den, reports and datasheets is still there... waiting for me...
they r alr singing, "i'm waiting for you, i'm waiting for you~~~"
haiz.. i do until i wan to go crazy alr..
i m alr crazy, so nvm... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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