Sunday, August 30, 2009

crappy, crap, crap!!!!!!!!!!!!

now that i now i may not be my mother's biological daughter...
and plus all she thinks abt is my sister... wadever...
and now my sister wanted a new mp3...

pls lor... she alr no money for the operation alr...
and now she wanted to buy her a new mp3..
i rather she saves the money and next time buy a new laptop for her lor...
AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! wadeva lah!!!!!!

i noe this time my GPA confirm wont get over 3 one...
if i really cannot get a GPA of 3.5 and above by the end of year 3..
i think my hope of getting into the advance diploma is really gone...

i may not be her real daughter.. but i still wanted to show her that i m not tt stupid and dun wan her to always compare me to her own daughter!!!

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