Monday, October 5, 2009

If someone pay you $30000+++ for sex, will u do it? *please comment abt this*
if me... i think i will consider... becos is $30000++++ leh!!!!!
if someone really willing pay THAT much money for sex, tt person is damn freaky rich...
i might as well marry tt person~~~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

wadever... no man in this world will be willing to pay so much for sex...

anyway... 9 more days to go... rui ling's present i got idea alr... eliza one is decided long time ago... psss *whisper* plus i got a surprise for her~! ... xiao hui one i havent go shop yet... lina and gertrude's i totally got no idea... i m happy tt i can buy their presents with the money i earn.. but i dunno wad to buy... how??????

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