Tuesday, October 26, 2010

here i m....
blogging again....

this week my fyp wasnt able to do analysis becos the lab was close for auditing... so cannot use...
and we r actually tight on the schedule...

we have practical reports coming up, and many many assignments coming....
and the datasheets of cos!

i may be stress... but i dun think i m stress to a level of having depression...

right at this moment, i m typing this entry i feel like drinking starbucks...
hmm... no... i think i wanted to try other drinks in TCC...
ok i noe is sudden...

but nvm...
today i m pretty pissed off with one of the lecturers in the sch...
i dun wan to state who it is...
but she juz pissed me off becos all the practicals she teach r all wrong and this make us redo the pracs and we have to wait and we can only go home until late in the evening....
she is a lecturer, she should noe wad to do...
i mean she is also human, so i dun blame her on making mistakes...
but as a professional... the mistakes she made was too big to juz close one eye and forget abt it...
wasting the chemicals in the labs... the risk of spoiling the equipment...
she can actually made a practical which only needed 1hour to take 3 or more hours!

dun wan to talk abt tt. eoc.

i think today i will try starting my work with the keying in the results for the fyp report and den follow by the melamine assignment den i will go into my own indidvidual ICP report writing...

hmm... i think the report writing have to wait till tmr...
becos as u can see... i m still here blogging myself away...

ok... i need to go get busy!!!!!

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