Wednesday, November 7, 2012

christmas is coming~! wad should i get?! wad should i get?! wad should i wish for?! hmm... maybe something memorable for mabel, and something useful for eric and linna they all... i wonder wad my darling wan for christmas. eliza one oso have to start thinking liao sia... tt troublesome kid. camera for her birthday, super junior for christmas? hmm.. i wanted to go chalet with my darling... dunno will he be happy or not if i invite him... lots of things happen in the company, so juz to relax... hmm...

getting  job is oso another problem...

haiz... things happen in relationship sometimes... maybe i shouldn't be like tt... how should I say this... maybe just some time he can be more... hmm.. he can dun respect me so much...

nvm lah! 顺其自然吧!

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