Friday, February 21, 2014

Quack Quack's health condition....

I wonder when quack quack will get well... but i really hope is really soon... the vet say that he can take off the feeding tube next week but after taking out the feeding tube we have to help him replenish his body fluid by giving him IV drips everyday for 15 to 30 mins!!!! this means that i have to give him injections everyday!!!! My phobia of needles need to be overcome by next week! i cant let my sister do everything... firstly becos she is leaving for korea soon for her first overseas vacation, so i will be left alone at home without anybody's help... secondly even after she come back from her vacation i also cannot let her do everything becos after both of us got a job, we have to share the workload of taking care of the boys... i dunno whether i will die during the process due to high level of stress causing high blood pressure and i will have a heart attack or something but i really hope that quack quack will recover really really soon (provided that he wasnt that picky in his food =.=")

oh! and by the way! i didnt mention how and when quack quack got sick right? it was actually 1-2 mths ago... one morning when we woke up we found vomits all over the floor and we saw quack quack vomiting... he didnt have any appetite and he keep vomiting causing him to vomit out blood with the gastric acid and this almost lead him to having stomach ulcer... however, the whole cause of the vomiting was his small kidney which couldnt function well and remove all the toxic (specifically urea) in the blood and this cause the stomach lining thinning and cause slight stomach ulcer and he will vomit. this is how the whole thing goes so.... a feeding tube was inserted to control his diet and also becos he didnt wan to eat the kidney health foods. he have to slim down to a healthier weight so tt his kidney wont have such a heavy load to process. also he was dehydrating becos he cannot adsorb water into his body and he needed more water den usual to remove the toxin in his blood tt is why the IV drip come in to help circulate the toxin out of his body.

anyway... back to my main point... i dunno whether i can handle the injections but i will try my best to keep quack quack healthy and happy! (i hope i can really do it.... TT.TT)

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