Saturday, March 17, 2007

sianz.. alone at home..

haiz.. sianz.. my sister didnt bring me out today.. left me alone at home.. haiz.. poor me.. ='(

but nvm.. today i stay home the whole day watch youtube.. i watch 恶作剧之吻.. hahax.. veri funny.. 大东 is so 帅!!

i still got one more storybook tt i borrow from the library haven read.. hmm.. later at night den read.. 在晚上读书比较有趣..

OH YA!! Happy Birthday 俊豪!! i almost forget.. to bored at home liao.. i will try to find a birthday present for u de.. 你现在老了一岁.. 要好好照顾自己.. 不要整天弄伤自己.. ok? n one more thing.. i suddenly can rmb ur birthday is all thanks to 吴尊..


one person alone at home cannot go see campus superstar.. so frustrating.. 不过我 sister 带回来巧克力!!! hahax.. so alone at home is not tt bad after all.. hahax..
吴尊 wear specs veri weird hor? but still veri 帅..

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