Wednesday, March 5, 2008


YEAH!!! I GOT MY ENROLMENT PACKAGE YESTERDAY!!! super happy, n frustrated. becos the instructions in the enrolment package is super confusing. u dun even noe wad is wad, n wad to do with it. somemore veri few friends same sch as me, so the enrolment method is different, cannot find anybody to discuss with. lucky my sis have the experience, if not i die alr. plus i got some help from xiu huan too!!!

sunday is the day!!! Gong Zhu Xiao Mei coming to singapore!!! waiting for my NanFeng Ling, Hu Yu Wei!!! Ahhh!!! but dunno whether can go or not.. see first bah.. hahax.. ok.. gtg.. have to do some research on the enrolment thing.. bb!

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