Sunday, October 31, 2010

i hate it. leaving me alone again... =(

i hate it, but i wont say...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

wanted to talk abt the celebration ytd...
but i think i will post it in the future...
cos i m having serious headache now....

Thursday, October 28, 2010


my darling William!!!!

next time i wont mistaken u again!!!!!!!!
do anything u wan with grelle-san... but pls dun separate him away from my sebby-chan ok?

ok... back to the topic.....

today was a long day...
and tmr is goin to be a long day too~! but i like tmr's long day den today's long day....
today i have practical in sch and my group made some glutinous rice balls...
haha!!! haizul say my grp's BALLS is the best and she finish the whole big bowl of it!!!!

the lab is not veri big and not veri small...
ok.... fine.... is normal... but is juz tt there was some extra cleaning needed... like moping...

next is abt my conditions...
is not getting any better... but i think it got worse becos of the long pants today i think...

nvm abt tt...

juz now juz watched the KUROSHITSUJI OVA 1!!!!!!!!!

is freaking funny!!!!
eliza u should watch it!!!!!!

ok... tt is it for today....
i m goin to go dream of my darling grelle-san~!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

now is 6.58pm...

i m playing game and blogging at the same time...

my knee still hurts...
wad cause my knee to hurt?
it happen juz today... this late morning....

it happen at a late morning, 27/10/10, around 11am...
the crime scene is at the T11A...
victim is Jovi Chong...
Murderer is a veri insignificant slope...

is still bleeding till now...
i think i need a few months to let the scar disappear too...
my knee look so ugly now!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

here i m....
blogging again....

this week my fyp wasnt able to do analysis becos the lab was close for auditing... so cannot use...
and we r actually tight on the schedule...

we have practical reports coming up, and many many assignments coming....
and the datasheets of cos!

i may be stress... but i dun think i m stress to a level of having depression...

right at this moment, i m typing this entry i feel like drinking starbucks...
hmm... no... i think i wanted to try other drinks in TCC...
ok i noe is sudden...

but nvm...
today i m pretty pissed off with one of the lecturers in the sch...
i dun wan to state who it is...
but she juz pissed me off becos all the practicals she teach r all wrong and this make us redo the pracs and we have to wait and we can only go home until late in the evening....
she is a lecturer, she should noe wad to do...
i mean she is also human, so i dun blame her on making mistakes...
but as a professional... the mistakes she made was too big to juz close one eye and forget abt it...
wasting the chemicals in the labs... the risk of spoiling the equipment...
she can actually made a practical which only needed 1hour to take 3 or more hours!

dun wan to talk abt tt. eoc.

i think today i will try starting my work with the keying in the results for the fyp report and den follow by the melamine assignment den i will go into my own indidvidual ICP report writing...

hmm... i think the report writing have to wait till tmr...
becos as u can see... i m still here blogging myself away...

ok... i need to go get busy!!!!!
i think at this time a lot of ppl is doin fyp in the sch....

but here i m blogging in this dead blog...

i m confused abt the things tt are happening around me...

i dunno y things happen and i cant think why and how it happen anymore....

i juz take wadever ppl gives and tt's tt.

i dunno whether this is a good thing or is it a bad thing, but i only noe tt my head feel heavy... and i dun feel veri well...

is alr 9.01am...
and i m still here blabbering craps...

no matter how much say, i still cant take my mind off things...
i dunno wad thing is tt, but i noe it filled my mind with it...
is heavy, and i dunno wad to do abt it...

maybe somebody who juz pass by this blog entry can give me some advice?

Monday, October 25, 2010

today's events:

in the morning, i woke up earlier than usual but i was still late for class becos i have my menses and it was really pain!!!!

so i sat on the toilet bowl for 1 whole hour!
in the end i still manage to bath and get out of the bathroom...
after tt i change my clothes and went out...
but i was still in pain, so i walk veri slowly to the bus stop and the bus took its own sweet time.
den when i finally reached the train station platform... (i was still in pain...) the train took its own sweet time again.... i waited 6 minutes for tt train... not veri squeezy so is fine...

but one thing i wan to apologize to rui ling, alicia, eliza and pei fang for waiting for me until so late... i m so sorry! =(

today, tt bitch was late for class so we r quite lucky...
but still when i reached sch i was still not feeling veri well.... (STILL in pain...)
den i got dried cranberry from joni....
after lessons... we walk through the linkway from 11b to 11a which is not open yet...
we then when to fc 5 to eat ( becos fc 4 got no seats)...
everybody eat bento, except xh, get, and joni if i m not mistaken... ( tt is wad i saw)
i only ate a chocolate waffle and the drank a cut of grass jelly...
OH! i almost forgot! i and ruiling and eliza shared a packet of burger king onion rings snack!
erm.... the taste is like..... i think i will juz keep it to myself.... go try if u saw it!

den back to lesson... dun understand wad ro ann is teaching cos she was goin damn fast like ZOOM! so forget abt her lessons... den i when to hui kheng's sensory evaluation...
i cant really taste the difference... but anyway all the samples taste nice and i finish them all....

den after tt i and eliza and rui ling head to the library 4a to have a discussion on the fyp report writing... but ended up as usual.... we were playing facebook....

but we did come up with something and each of us have something to do, however... i havent start doin anything but eliza is alr half way through her research....

i feel so useless... seriously... during this whole fyp... i realised i didnt do anything useful to the group or the project....
even if i did something, it was always wrong....
i sometime got a feeling tt eliza and ruiling r pissed off at me, but they r nice ppl, so they didnt show it.... and they r willing to tell me things tt i dun understand....
i m so happy tt i got them as my grpmates....

ok then... i m off to my facebook and manga....
i think i start work tmr.... haiz....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

now is 11.33pm...
is a sunday, and half an hour more it will be monday...
here, i m not slping but writing away in my dead blog...

i m so bored!

and i seriously dun wan to go to sch tmr...

i left a few hours to slp....

my mood now: LAMED -_-"

Friday, October 22, 2010

i'm tired...

and i noe my blog is dead...