Sunday, October 21, 2012

my beautiful life... i guess...

my beautiful life... i guess... i was juz hoping tt all this wasnt juz a dream... becos however i look at this it juz doesnt seems rite. he dun really look happy being with me... but all i wanted was to make him happy. he didnt mention anything abt his gf.. neither did he say anything abt wadever is troubling him right now. we didnt say anything and it came to this. i m awfully troubled becos i can't read every single expression he made. he is pretty emotional... haiz... really hope tt i can help him in one way or another. but i somehow think tt he wasnt happy abt me not wanting to let anybody noe abt us. i got a feeling tt we r tgt not becos he like me, but rather is tt he is only doin it out of duty. this have been making me feeling veri uncomfortable and insecure. wad should i do to make him happy? n everyday he is worried abt me being scolded by my mother....

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