Monday, February 24, 2014

heartache and stress

i was never so heartache and stress at the same time... but this time round becos of quack quack i experience it for the first time... becos he is being picky abt food he didnt wan to eat the health food tt the vet gives and he couldnt get any treats. he looks so sad and he has been begging for treats and those unhealthy food which r his favorites...  we couldnt give due to vet's order ... and now he look so sad and weak... and the feeding tube of his is giving me headaches becos his wound open up and the tube wasnt fixed d there anymore... i m really scared tt the whole tube might drop out if he scratch it or when he shake his head too violently... i really feel like crying.... but my sister will think i m pushing everything away... not wanting quack quack to recover and get healthy... she will find all sorts of stupid reasoning to frame ppl tt is wad she is good at doing... i m really stressed out... my headache is getting more frequent and my back is not getting any better with the salonpas. my mother cannot help me in anyway. wad m i goin to do now?

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