Sunday, March 25, 2007

sian day..

today woke up quite early.. wash up.. eat breakfast.. n went back to the bedroom n wait for my sis to wake up.. 如果她没有起床我不可以玩电脑.. so do hmwk while waiting.. in the morning finish half way n chinese n half way my history.. cos dunno wad to write..

den my sis wake up le.. n i start playing com.. after she came back to the bedroom.. she start nagging me.. " 做你的功课啦!! 等一下做不完又怕被骂!!" haiz.. sianz.. everytime like tt.. i noe is all 为了我好.. hahax.. but at least i got finish half of every hmwk.. hahax..

oh!!! n i make a mistake.. the physics test is next monday.. not tmr.. hahax.. scare me.. if not i goin to fail again le.. but tmr got oral exam.. really veri scared.. dunno wad to do.. if fail den i 完蛋 liao.. forget it.. i dun wan to think so much le.. enjoy myself first..

你读了我的信.. 我知道了.. 但是我是希望你可以回封信给我..

我很想念你们.. 可以快点回来新加坡吗?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

got a lot of things to say..

veri long nv blog le.. this week like a lot of things happen.. but 又很像 nth like tt leh.. ai ya.. sianz..

this week got back results.. result all veri lan.. especially POA.. drop like nobody business.. fail my physics test.. by 1 mark.. juz by one mark only, mr heng write something veri big on my paper.. "Fail??? Disappointing!" one mark only lor.. 也要写到那么大.. like i nv fail b4.. 奇怪的老师.. he scold the whole class until veri fierce.. but 我觉得很好笑.. hahax.. dunno y..

den during tue.. after sch.. went out with dorcas n rachel ng n thahira.. go find the 飞轮海 magazine.. 顺便 buy lim's birthhday present.. bought a pencil box for him.. n gave him a teddybear.. hahax..

ytd after sch went to see the upper sec inter class competition.. the soccer match.. our class won!!! but without playing... dotz lor.. haiz.. E1 n 3 won too..

these few days keep on raining.. sianz.. but today nv rain.. 每次都下雨.. 弄到我全身湿淋淋..

later still have to do hmwk.. 真的很不想做.. monday 还有 test.. 真的不想再这样玩下去.. 不好玩的..

actually still got a lot of things to say de.. but lazy to type.. so dun say le.. 算了..

你没有回我的信.. 我不知道你有没有收到.. 但我每个星期都会寄信给你的.. 我等你回信..

this is the milo sarah drink when we wait for the rain to stop..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

sianz.. alone at home..

haiz.. sianz.. my sister didnt bring me out today.. left me alone at home.. haiz.. poor me.. ='(

but nvm.. today i stay home the whole day watch youtube.. i watch 恶作剧之吻.. hahax.. veri funny.. 大东 is so 帅!!

i still got one more storybook tt i borrow from the library haven read.. hmm.. later at night den read.. 在晚上读书比较有趣..

OH YA!! Happy Birthday 俊豪!! i almost forget.. to bored at home liao.. i will try to find a birthday present for u de.. 你现在老了一岁.. 要好好照顾自己.. 不要整天弄伤自己.. ok? n one more thing.. i suddenly can rmb ur birthday is all thanks to 吴尊..


one person alone at home cannot go see campus superstar.. so frustrating.. 不过我 sister 带回来巧克力!!! hahax.. so alone at home is not tt bad after all.. hahax..
吴尊 wear specs veri weird hor? but still veri 帅..

Finally.. i finish my hmwk le..

HEY HEY!!! finally.. i finish my hmwk.. not all lah.. but most of it.. math finish the tys unit 3, 4, 5.. the holiday de.. the tb de.. physics finish le 3.2D n 3.1.. hahax.. so so happy!!! so relax now.. tmr is the campus superstar for the girls.. i wan to go.. see see.. but nobody go with me.. haiz.. sianz.. dunno whether my sis will bring me there not.. haiz.. i dun wan to stay at home le.. 尤其是我已经做完功课了!!!

haiz.. forget it.. if really cannot go.. den take it as.. stay at home n rest.. n prepare for monday de test.. haiz.. 可是我还是很想去!!! although i dun like to go out to shop.. cos i hate walking.. but is CAMPUS SUPERSTAR LEH!!! i hardly go this kind of events.. the only this kind of event i went is the 飞轮海签唱会.. haiz..

stop here bah.. do so many days de hmwk.. veri tired.. brain juice all use de 七七八八.. have to slp to replenish.. 晚安喔..

哈哈!! 帅吧?! 他们是我的最爱!! hahax.. 我说的好噁心.. hahax..

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


haiz.. sianz.. so much holiday hmwk.. especially math.. i hate it.. today, tmr n thursday actually got math tutorial.. but the stupid elmi suddenly cancel.. this make me so damn angry.. is not becos the math tutorial is cancel so i angry.. is becos of this stupid n irresponsible elmi.. cancel le.. last minute den tell the class.. wad the hell.. many ppl alr in the school liao lor.. idiot!! make me change clothes den got ppl tell me.. make me change back.. troublesome..

today went out with xin yi n zhi xian.. we go tampines mall.. walk here walk there.. n bought my hana kimi part 2.. hahax.. happy happy!! i left part 3 to buy.. hahax.. we after tt went to KFC to eat.. finish le.. den went home.. really nth to do today.. dun feel like doin hmwk oso..

haiz.. i goin crazy alr.. i sure one day cannot stand the stress den go commit sucide.. forget it.. o lvl is getting nearer.. ahh!!! i dun wan to think so much le lah.. 烦烦烦!!!

哎.. 抱怨多少还是没有用.. 真的不知道应该怎么办.. 心里还是很, 很, 很不舒服..

this is my bedroom.. on the wall there is all the S.H.E n Fahrenheit pictures n posters.. hahax..

Monday, March 5, 2007

first day of the camp..

today is the first day of the march holiday camp.. but i m having a hard time.. haiz.. feeling totally not well when kayaking.. haiz.. somemore i lost my new, new specs.. but nvm.. i got to go up the teachers' bunk to bath.. woohoo~!!! hahax.. there damn nice.. like it so much.. but cannot even live there.. so no point.. lucky i got extra specs to wear.. if not.. sure tmr dun nid to see things alr.. but wear the old specs make me so so dizzy.. haiz..

now still feeling veri veri uncomfortable.. sianz.. tmr still have to go.. dun have mc.. suay.. but lucky tmr dun have water sports.. if not i really can go die le.. i swear i nv ever goin to play water sports again.. i lost my specs n got scolding from my sister:" U noe how much is tt specs not huh?! u buy haven even 1 year den now u lose it!! u think we veri rich is it?!" haiz.. everyday, everything, everytime only noe how to talk abt money.. haiz..

but nvm.. i noe she not so 忍心 let me use my own money de.. hahax..

oh ya!! i alot of hmwk oso haven do.. haiz.. sianz.. next time den do.. go slp first.. tmr still have to wake up so damn early.. ahh!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

tmr is camp..

is camp.. is holidays.. but i m not happy at all.. haiz.. is juz becos of wad u said.. haiz.. forget it.. is i ask one mah.. have fun in camp lor..

haiz.. sianz.. 每天没有胃口.. 不想吃.. 也不想出去.. 根本不想看到人.. 这样好累, 好烦.. 为什么会这样?

haiz.. tmr camp dun even noe wad to wear n bring.. stupid elmi.. all his fault.. everything say half way..

ahh!!! dun write le.. the more i write the more troubles i have..

Friday, March 2, 2007

common test is over!!!

woosh!!! common test finish le!!! so long nv update le.. today got back math result.. i pass.. which is a miracle.. hahax..

didnt study much.. so the subjects i confirm i will fail is english, chemistry n history.. haiz.. the stupid elmi.. give so much holiday hmwk.. lucky i nv stay overnight.. if not no time to do hmwk.. but the activities in the camp like so fun.. too bad i cannot play.. haiz..

so miss him.. so wan to see him.. dorcas.. y u wan to tell me u see him every morning?!! haiz.. forget it.. i dun even have his number.. dun even noe how he is now.. dun think so much better..

now have to prepare for the chinese o lvl in may.. muz 加油 alr.. if not sure die..

oh ya!! if u got read my blog.. juz wan to say sry to u.. tt i always nv think for u.. i dunno whether u r use to this kind of things.. but i will think for u more in the future.. i promise..